And Everything Comes Together
The morning began with lectures on both Rebuttals and Weighing Arguments followed by a lab where students practiced giving rebuttals with a different set of lab leaders providing constructive criticism on presentation, issue selection, and time management. Before lunch, all of the students attended David Wolfish's lecture on International Relations, which is applicable to resolutions every year. The afternoon brought meetings with lab and article groups. In lab, students continued work on cases, gave rebuttals, and ran complete practice rounds where they were stopped by their lab leaders and required to redo parts of their rebuttals so that they had the opportunity to correct problems immediately after problems occurred. Article Groups discussed whether health care protection is relative to specific societies because every society affords different opportunities to their citizens. Students argued for and against the thesis presented in the article and provided many arguments that could be very useful in further developing cases. After dinner, students were treated to a demonstration debate on the Workshop topic, A just government should provide healthcare to its citizens, between the once very successful former competitors David Wolfish and Tanya Choudhury. In the debate, the students were exposed to strategy and case positions that largely had not been discussed thus far at the Workshop, so the demonstration debate was very valuable in that it brought everything from the past week together. Labs met at the end of the night to discuss the demonstration and to allow students the chance to sign up for electives that begin tomorrow afternoon. The students have Sunday morning off with activities beginning again at 2pm and practice rounds officially beginning Monday morning.
And check out the "Pictures of Camp" link on the right sidebar for updated pictures from the weekend!
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